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Historia de la Passio de Nostre Senyor Deu Iesucrist. Contemplacio a Jesus crucifficat. Contemplacio a la Sacristissima Verge Maria tenint son fill Deu Jesus devallat de la Creu (Lo passi en cobles).

Joan ESCRIVA (Author)

Bernat FENOLLAR (Author)

Jaume GASSULL (Author)

Pere MARTINES (Author)

Joan MORENO (Author)


Pedro Hagenbach (Printer)

Leonardo Hutz (Printer)

Origin: Valencia, XV c.
Biblioteca Histórica de la Universitat de València. Coedition with Universitat de València.

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Inc. 304
Facsimile. Incunabula. Collection of Incunabula and Old Books.

14,5 x 21 cm.
85+5 crd.
170+10 crd.
11th January 1493.
24th September 1996.
Parchment on wooden board.
Religious literature.
Presentation dust jacket cloth lined with gold engraved leather spine containing facsimile.
Numbered by notary and signed by the printer-publisher.
Specially made laid paper.
Optional: Study in Spanish conducted by Antoni Ferrando Francés (Professor of the Faculty of Philology of the Universitat de València). Included in
Bibliofilia Antigua IV.
Facsimile completed with the sheets l1, l2 and l5 from the copy l2113 from Biblioteca Nacional de España (National Spanish Library). 130 xylographic engravings.

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These 3 works form one volume printed in Valencia, in Pedro Hagenbach and Leonardo Hutz's printing house, the 11th of January 1493, financed by Jaime Vila.

This Valencian incunabula is a very interesting sample of the poetical activity of the so-called Valencian School, from the second half of the XV century, when an evolution is observed from a purely feudal theme and mentality to an almost renaissance-like one, the latter depicted in particular by Joan Rois de Corella. The names previously mentioned and those of Jaume Gassull, Pere Martines and Joan Moreno, are present in this interesting history of Valencian poetry.


IBIC Rating:

AC History of art / art & design styles
ACN History of art & design styles: c 1400 to c 1600
ACND Renaissance art
AFF Drawing & drawings
AFH Prints & printmaking
AFJ Other graphic art forms
AFT Decorative arts
AGH Human figures depicted in art
AGR Religious subjects depicted in art
DCF Poetry by individual poets
DSBB Literary studies: classical, early & medieval
DSBD Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
HBJD European history
HBLH Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700
HRA Religion: general
HRAX History of religion
HRC Christianity
HRCC2 Church history
HRCC7 Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church
HRCM Christian theology
HRCS Christian spirituality & religious experience
WCS Antiques & collectables: books, manuscripts, ephemera & printed matter

1D Europe
1DSE Spain
1DSET Valenciana, Autonomous Community
2ADD Valencian
3H c 1000 CE to c 1500